Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The poor little carpet died shortly after its birth. It was put up around 11PM at the Troy Building, and was gone by 8 the next morning, Monday.


  1. I like it! And you're absolutely right about her salary! Why is she worth so much to the university? I think as with so many other industries, they should start cutting in executives salaries... But I guess one don't consider that if the economy within the borders of campus is good...! Selfish and narrow sighted, in my oppinion.

  2. I have heard that the carpet was just moved to EMPAC, to be used as part of the upcoming coronation ceremonies.

  3. Have you read Scott's "Weapons of The Weak". It reminds me as a tactical art project that incorporates that sensibility. I love it. Moreso because it has that tongue-in-cheek quality about it. It could easily be argued that this carpet was in fact well deserved by Shirley since she has done such a good job— something that the Trustees seem to share— or it could be that you were being facetious. Well played!

  4. Well played, little carpet... well played.

  5. So graciously clear! I would think that anyone from the admin who saw it from a distance probably thought it was totally in keeping with her highness's MO. And it seems that the message isn't evident until you're right on it. Love it.

  6. Since the administration doesn't report to me or my parents directly about what it's doing with my money, I don't know the extent to which decisions that affect me are determined by her...

    but cutting down all the trees on campus so it's cold everywhere, cutting languages, keeping 1.6 million a year (who could ever need that much money, that's so ridiculous..), etc don't really sit well with me.

    but just like this blog comment, this sentiment will never penetrate the brain of someone making that much money at the expense of my complaints.

  7. The exhaulted leader doesn't deserve it anyway. Must have cost some overtime dollars to have it removed in the middle of the night. I know at least 97 other former employees that are still struggling trying to make ends meet that don't really care anyway. Remember us?

  8. Should have glued it down.
